One of the most important (but often overlooked!) pieces of safety equipment is a loud, hard-wearing and reliable whistle. Whether you're on a lake, river or out on the sea, it is vital that you are able to communicate quickly with your fellow paddlers. The Fox 40 Classic is a great option for paddlers and is the whistle of choice of NATO Forces, Search and Rescue, Lifeguards and Coast Guards. We recommend keeping your whistle in your PFD at all times and always ensure you have a spare.
With its simple design, the Fox 40 Emergency Whistle has no moving parts, so you need not worry about anything breaking, jamming, freezing or derteriorating over time. Moreover, this whistle is specifically designed for watersports, so whether you're kayaking, canoeing, sailing, SUPing or even wakeboarding, the whistle will self-clear when submerged in water. If you are more of a land adventurer, though, the Fox 40 Emergency Whistle is still a favourite for coaching, rescue teams, and general safety worldwide.
When we say this whistle is loud, we really mean it! There is no possibility of overblowing it, so you can be heard up to a mile away if you blow hard enough! However, given that often your party is closer at hand, you can regulate the loudness of the Fox 40 Emergency Whistle: the harder you blow, the louder it is!
The international whistle code is as follows:
Each blast should last 3 seconds.
Fox 40 began when basketball referee Ron Foxcroft witnessed an obvious foul during the 1976 Summer Olympics, but failed to stop the game as his whistle was rendered useless by a jammed pea. Foxcroft decided something needed to be done and so, along with designer Chuck Shepherd, he patented the first pealess whistle. Foxcroft introduced his new invention at the 1987 Pan American Games in Indiana and before the end of the games, he had orders for 20,000 whistles. Since then, Fox 40 have designed over 20 original whistles along with other pieces of safety and rescue equipment.