The Deluxe back rest from Islander is super comfy and provides superior back support, comfort, and posture improvement, the Deluxe Backrest really does enhance your Sit On Top Kayaking experience.
Originally known as the Palm Deluxe Backrest, its now been enhanced for the Islander brand, it offers a stylish seat design and higher levels of comfort while on the water. The backrest is simple to attach using four corrosion resistant brass clips, that attach to almost any other brand of kayak's D-rings.
The Islander Deluxe Backrest helps to increase comfort and posture while kayaking, making your adventure more enjoyable.
For the original retail purchaser (Consumer), Islander Kayaks provide a three (3) year warranty against material or manufacturing defects in the hull and deck. Parts, accessories, and outfitting are warranted for a period of one (1) year against material or manufacturing defects from the date of purchase. For the full warranty text please check your Islander Owner’s Manual.