The Islay touring kayak from Venture Kayaks is designed and built by the same people who build P&H sea kayaks and Pyranha whitewater boats. They incorporate a lot of the same high-end features that their sea kayaks do, like the hatches and skeg, but more importantly, they also use the same construction process that they use in Pyranha whitewater kayaks.
The result is a boat that has got a lot of great features and is extremely good value.
The Venture Islay is a versatile, light touring kayak that's stable enough for beginners but it's not a kayak that you're going to outgrow as your skills develop.
The Islay has got enough speed to keep up with longer kayaks and enough capacity for overnight or even week-long trips.
It has the same features that you'll find on the P&H sea kayak range.
The Islay is a relatively quick kayak with a flat hull which gives it great stability. The widest point of the hull on the Islay is just behind the paddler's hips; this helps to make the kayak faster, more stable and manoeuvrable.
Key Features
Max. Paddler Weight: 135kg
Spray Deck Size: Big Deck (Size 5) / Super Big Deck (Size 6)
Boat Dimensions: 14' x 23.3"
Weight: 26kg